"Purdue Simulation" of WTC raises more questions than it answers
Josh Reeves and Mike Swenson
Purdue University released a computer simulation today, claiming they have found the definitive cause of the collapse of World Trade Center Two following the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. The release implies another “official explanation” as to the cause of the collapses of the towers. However, Truth or Lies has learned of some startling facts surrounding this release which raises more startling questions than it answers.
The simulation can be viewed HERE.
According to the simulation video, "The weight of the aircraft's fuel, when ignited, acted like a flash flood of flaming liquid…and stripped away fireproofing which caused the steel to weaken”
However, a problem lies within this explanation….
According to the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Report, (which can be viewed HERE)and an article from Fox News, which can read HERE, “fire-proof asbestos was only used up to the thirty-eighth floor of the north tower and not at all in the south tower”.
These accounts state that because non-asbestos fire proofing was used in simulations by NIST, the non-asbestos fireproofing was far inferior to asbestos in terms of melting points and the ability to keep fire from spreading. It should be noted that these claims of “fire-proofing” as being responsible for the melting of the steel that led to the collapse of the twin towers has been debunked numerous times by world-renowned physicists such as Steven Jones of BYU (view his website here).
The following statement was used in the Purdue simulation: "The weight of the aircraft's fuel, when ignited, acted like a flash flood of flaming liquid". This is a direct contradiction of the FEMA report (which can be viewed HERE)which stated: "despite the huge fireballs caused by the two planes crashing into the WTC towers each with 10,000 gallons of jet fuel, the fireballs did not explode or create a shock wave that would have resulted in structural damage.”
It should be noted that the National Science Foundation (NSF), the agency that funded the Purdue study, is an agency whose board was appointed by George W. Bush and confirmed by the United States Senate. Its director, Dr. Arden L. Bement Jr, has worked for such employers such as General Electric Company(which owns NBC/universal), Battelle Northwest Laboratories who has been focused on nuclear technology and the environmental and health effects of radiation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Department of defense, where he was under secretary for research and engineering, and DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), who is responsible for the development of new technology for use by the military.
The question that needs to be addressed here is:
Why would an agency whose director has been a key player in military black-op projects for years be appointed to fund a study to conclusively show how the twin towers collapse occurred?
Further, the Purdue simulation claims “the engines ripped through the central columns and sent the engines bursting through the other side of the towers”, showing that the airliner, made of aluminum, ripped through the steel facing of the north tower like a knife through butter. How is this possible?
This Purdue simulation conclusively shows that the government agencies charged with finding an explanation for the collapses of the twin towers are continually unable to do so without contradicting themselves, while attempting to create a wild “fairy tale” out of physical impossibilities. Further, research conducted into these claims made by these government agencies consistently reveals shadowy figures and corporations who have participated, while remaining complicit, in the official explanation of the tragic events of September 11th, 2001.
original article here
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Aaron Russo I Will Never Forget You
Aaron Russo I Will Never Forget You
I'll never forget your smile or what you did to try and save this country and to inspire others to do the same.
Your bringing us your story of the Rockefeller plan and foreknowledge of 9-11 inspired me to dig deeper and find out the truth on my own and to make my own film.
Thank you Aaron for leaving the world a better place than you found it and it is my personal mission to continue your work how ever I can.
We will always love you Aaron and we will never forget you or what you gave us.
God Bless you man,
Josh Reeves
JOIN THE NORTH TEXANS FOR 9-11 TRUTH MEETUP GROUP-or contact josh@northtexansfor911truth.com
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Biden Admits Post-9/11 Meeting With Hijacker's Financier
Biden Admits Post-9/11 Meeting With Hijacker's Financier
We Are Change group questions Senator on details of confab with Pakistani general
Prison Planet | June 5, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson
Presidential candidate Senator Joe Biden admitted meeting with the chief financier of the 9/11 hijackers in the days after September 11 after being confronted by We Are Change founder Luke Rudkowski in the press room following Sunday's Democratic debate in New Hampshire.
According to the FBI and as confirmed by various news reports at the time , Pakistani ISI General Mahmoud Ahmad instructed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the alleged assassin of Daniel Pearl, to wire $100,000 to alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta in the summer of 2001.
Arriving exactly one week before 9/11, the general met with Pentagon, White House National Security Council and CIA officials, including George Tenet and Marc Grossman, then U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.
On the very morning of 9/11, Ahmad was at a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees.
Two days after the attack on the twin towers and the Pentagon, on September 13th, Senator Joseph Biden, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, met with the ISI chief.
No adequate explanation has been forthcoming as to why top government and intelligence officials were meeting with the money man behind the alleged hijackers before and after 9/11.
Shortly after the Democratic debate had finished on Sunday, Prison Planet reporter Rudkowski was able to get access to the CNN spin room and confront presidential candidate Biden about his 9/11 meeting with the Pakistani General.
Pakistani ISI General Mahmoud Ahmad.
"We asked him the question - what was he doing with the head of the Pakistani ISI General Mahmoud Ahmad," said Rudkowski.
"He told me - he admitted that he met with him - he met with the head of the Pakistani ISI - he said I told them not to do it, I told them not to wire the money - I told them to stop supporting the Taliban, which shows he had foreknowledge of them supporting him."
"I told him - sir, he funded the hijackers, you did business with him, you let him go - he's free," said Rudkowski, to which Biden responded, "Get a life kid," after which Rudkowski was pushed away by Biden's security staff.
Biden's comments demand immediate explanation and an investigation into why Mohammed Atta's chief financier was allowed to leave the United States without even being questioned by authorities after having met with top Bush administration and other public officials.
The We Are Change organization, who made headlines for their recent head-to-head with Rudy Giuliani , were also busy speaking truth to power and confronting other high profile figures during their visit to New Hampshire.
Rudkowski said the event was packed with Ron Paul supporters and 9/11 truthers, outnumbering everybody besides Obama and Clinton acolytes.
The group confronted Bohemian Grove members Bill Richardson and David Gergen at the event, causing Richardson to run and leave the building, while Gergen attempted the laugh the subject away before the subjects of male prostitution at the Grove and Molec was mentioned, at which point Gergen also hurriedly left.
Another member of the group, Nate Evans, confronted Hillary Clinton at a fundraiser in New York, calling her "Queen Hillary" and was immediately assaulted by secret service, physically thrown out of the event and chased away.
Clinton was also asked about 9/11 and her association with the Bilderberg Group but completely ignored the questions.
Video footage from all the confrontations will be made available in the coming days.
9/11 Toxic Dust: Official Who Knowingly Lied Refuses To Testify
9/11 Toxic Dust: Official Who Knowingly Lied Refuses To Testify
Whitman in the frame to take the fall for Guiliani, Rice and The White House
Steve Watson
The former head of the Environmental Protection Agency, who knowingly lied and signed off on falsified scientific research on the toxicity of the air in the aftermath of 9/11, has refused a request by Rep. Jerrold Nadler that she testify before a congressional hearing on the federal government's response to be tabled later this month.
The New York Sun today reported:
Christine Todd Whitman, the EPA administrator at the time, has declined an invitation to appear before a House subcommittee that Mr. Nadler chairs, an aide to the congressman said yesterday. Mr. Nadler, whose district includes ground zero, is expected to ask Ms. Whitman again before considering whether to seek to compel her testimony with a subpoena, the aide, speaking on condition of anonymity, said.
Yesterday we reported on the fact that Hillary Clinton had announced, along with New York Congressman Jerry Nadler, D-NY, that she will chair the probe looking into the federal government's response and environmental clean-up efforts in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
The Clinton/ Nadler press release stated that one intention of the probe was to take a close look at the EPA's inadequate program to test and clean residential areas in Manhattan.
Part of the press release stated:
In a recent decision, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York found that former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman's falsely reassuring and misleading statements of safety after the September 11, 2001 attacks were "without question conscience-shocking." The court also found the facts "support an allegation of a violation of the substantive due process right to be free from official government policies that increase the risk of bodily harm" by Whitman's misstatements regarding the air quality of the affected area. An EPA Inspector General review reached similar conclusions.
An AP report last month on these legal findings was posted last month and can be read here.
We have postulated that the left arm of the Washington power elite will be unlikely to fully expose the reality of the monumental criminal culpability of the Bush Administration on this particular issue, but will instead seek to once again close off the issue. Indeed it seems that Whitman is in the frame to take the fall and once cover the behinds of the ever increasingly unaccountable Neocon crime syndicate in the White House.
In August 2003 it was revealed that the Government ordered the EPA to give the public misleading information, telling New Yorkers on September 12 it was safe to breathe when reliable information on air quality was not available and Asbestos levels were known to be three times higher than national standards.
Further documents were obtained by CBS news last September, revealing that Lower Manhattan was reopened a few weeks following the attack even though the air was not safe.
The two devastating memos, written by the U.S. and local governments, show they knew. They knew the toxic soup created at Ground Zero was a deadly health hazard. Yet they sent workers into the pit and people back into their homes.
"Not only did they know it was unsafe, they didn't heed the words of more experienced people that worked for the city and E.P.A.," said Joel Kupferman, with the group Environmental Justice Project.
An EPA whistleblower, Dr. Cate Jenkins then wrote a letter to Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and other members of the New York congressional delegation blasting the EPA for hiding dangerous toxins from Ground Zero workers in the aftermath of 9/11.
The Letter claimed that EPA-funded research on the toxicity of breathable alkaline dust at the site “falsified pH results” to make the substance appear benign, when it was, in reality, corrosive enough to cause first responders and other workers in lower Manhattan to later lose pulmonary functions and, in some cases, to die.
In an even more shocking development it was revealed that Whitman apparently had financial interests in reassuring the public that all was well and that lower Manhattan could safely be reoccupied.
In a New York Post piece which has since been memory holed, but that was reported on here, these facts became clearly evident:
Meanwhile, Whitman's newly released financial-disclosure forms show that she said seven months before 9/11 that she would not get involved in any issue related to the finances of the Port Authority - which owns the WTC site - because she or her family owned PA bonds. Its finances could be impacted by lawsuits growing of the cleanup.
"I understand the following interests that belong to me, my spouse or my children present a conflict of interest," Whitman wrote at the time. She then listed various investments, including the bistate agency.
But Whitman was involved at Ground Zero despite that refusal, although she or her family also owned shares of Citigroup, whose insurance-company subsidiary, The Travelers, paid out hundred of millions of dollars in claims to downtown residents displaced by the attacks.
Not surprising then that Whitman does not want to testify. She is totally compromised and clearly in very deep trouble. Congressman Nadler himself blasted Whitman when this was revealed stating:
"She conspired [with the White House] to convince people to go into an unsafe environment . . . For that, she ought to be prosecuted," Nadler said. "People are dead because of her."
However, it must be remembered that Whitman and the EPA are accountable to the White House and act under the direct authority of the Bush Administration.
It was the 2003 EPA Inspector General's investigation that revealed that it was the White House that had pressured EPA into changing its press releases to add more "reassuring" language.
The further memos revealed that Whitman conspired with the White House to falsely reassure New Yorkers that the air was safe.
The New York Post also reported on the fact that the internal documents show it was Condoleezza Rice's office that gave final approval to the infamous Environmental Protection Agency press releases days after 9/11 claiming the air around Ground Zero was "safe to breathe,".
Now Secretary of State, Rice was then head of the National Security Council - "the final decision maker" on EPA statements about lower Manhattan air quality, the documents say.
And it cannot be forgotten that Rudolph Guiliani, who was mayor at the time, also said repeatedly that the air was safe.
Furthermore it has been the Bush Administration that has PURPOSEFULLY blocked millions in health compensation programs for ground zero workers and continuously attempted to stonewall the issue because to do otherwise would be an admission of responsibility for exposure to harmful substances after the government had already given the all clear. It has been the Bush administration that has allowed 9/11 heroes to die while at the same time disgracefully using the event as a cart blanche excuse for their own criminal actions at home and abroad.
It seems Whitman knew immediately that she was being fingered as the ultimate scapegoat. When the new information broke last September, she was quick to blame the city for not forcing Ground Zero workers to wear respirators.
In a "60 Minutes" interview, Whitman maintained that the nation's leading environmental agency did not have authority to enforce rules at the site, though the agency did warn the city about dangers in the air at Ground Zero.
"We didn't have the authority to do that enforcement, but we communicated to the people who did," Whitman stressed.
A 2004 report by the Sierra Club however detailed gross malfeasance by EPA, FEMA, and the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and then suggested a cover-up of the public health hazards of Ground Zero ensued.
The report found that the EPA and FEMA, in concert with New York City's own health department, told families that they could clean up the contaminated dust themselves with wet rags. In fact, they actually discouraged area residents from wearing safety masks.
Some preliminary scientific studies have indicated that as many as 400,000 people were exposed to toxic ground zero dust. Hundreds and perhaps thousands of people have fallen ill, and several have died from lung ailments blamed on inhaled Trade Center ash.
Any probe into this issue that cannot establish these basic conclusions and pinpoint those at fault AT ALL LEVELS WITHIN THE GOVERNMENT will be highly suspicious. It is blatantly clear that not only Whitman and her EPA counterparts were complicit in a conspiracy and cover up the environmental hazards at ground zero, but also that high ranking officials with the Bush administration are also complicit.
It is also apparent from reports that Whitman had significant financial interests in the ground zero site, which should also be investigated in addition to the financial interests other officials complicit in this diabolical case also had before and after 9/11.
The Nadler's hearing is scheduled for May 22, Clinton's is set for June 20.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Ex-spy thinks whole story about 9/ 11 hasn’t been told
Ex-spy thinks whole story about 9/ 11 hasn’t been told
Silverton resident is a novelist now
June 5, 2007 - 12:23AM
SILVERTON - In his work boots, nylon pants and cotton sweat shirt, Robert Baer blends in to this little mountain town.
You wouldn’t guess that he once helped engineer a failed coup against Saddam Hussein, that he speaks Arabic and Farsi, that he once prowled the lawless valleys of Lebanon in service to the Central Intelligence Agency, or that George Clooney played him in the movie “Syriana.”
Only his bookshelves, packed with volumes about Iraq and the Middle East, give any clue to Baer’s background. A book about the Russian mafia sits next to his chair.
In an interview from that chair, Baer talked about messes in Washington and Iraq, unexplored leads in Iran, and the “curious” town of Silverton.
He has more firsthand experience with terrorists than almost any American, and he is convinced the full story of the Sept. 11 attacks has never been told.
“We don’t know what happened on 9/11. The 9/11 Commission Report was written from witnesses that were tortured — Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,” Baer said, referring to the man who has confessed to dozens of terrorist plot while in U.S. custody.
“So what do we really know?”
It’s a question that helped inspire Baer’s first novel, “Blow the House Down.” The story follows a dissident CIA agent as he tries to untangle a Sept. 11 plot that points to Iran and an American financier who was playing the stock market based on advance knowledge of terrorist attacks.
Just fiction, right?
Not entirely.
“I’m in touch with a guy who went in to his broker at 3 o’clock on 10 September and said, ‘Cash me out.’ His parting shot going out the door was, ‘The market collapses tomorrow morning at 9,’” Baer said. “He’s in jail now.”
Baer doesn’t side with the conspiracy theorists, however, who think the U.S. government destroyed the World Trade Center.
“That’s very unfortunate. It demonstrates a naivete that’s scary,” he said. “It’s not that these people are crazy, it’s just that they’re so consistently lied to, from Vietnam through Iraq.”
The 9/11 Commission never reported the links between al-Qaida and Iran, Baer said. Since his tour of duty in Lebanon in the early 1980s, when the U.S. Embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut were bombed, Baer has been convinced that the trail of international terrorism often leads to Iran.
And by taking out Saddam Hussein, the United States has played into Iranian hands.
“We’ve now put Iran in a position of predominance in the Gulf, thanks to Iraq,” Baer said. “And in case anybody’s forgotten, the Iranian president is a murderer, he’s got blood on his hands, and he’s crazy.”
Before the Iraq war, Baer said Bush administration officials wanted to use his arguments to justify the invasion.
Although the Washington war drums are beating again — against Iran this time — Baer’s phone has stopped ringing.
“I think they eventually figured out I’m fairly far to the left, especially when it comes to foreign policy. I’m far to the right on immigration, only for environmental reasons,” Baer said.
Now 54, he has retired from the CIA and wants no part of Washington. He lives in Silverton with his wife, Dana. He writes a column for Time and skis on Red Mountain. He’s also at work on his second book of fiction, a “real novel” about Iran.
More Government Sponsored Terror Declassified
More Government Sponsored Terror Declassified
British government documents reveal Israeli involvement in 1976 PFLP hijacking
Steve Watson
Monday, June 4, 2007
Newly declassified British intelligence documents have revealed that British diplomats believed that the hijacking of an Israel-bound plane in 1976 by a Palestinian resistance group was aided and abetted by Shin Bet, the Israeli security agency, in order to criminalize the Palestine Liberation Organization and provide justification for continued Israeli military occupation of Palestinian land.
As revealed in the Jerusalem Post yesterday, the document, released by the National Archives, was addressed to the Foreign Office on 30 June 1976 and was written while the crisis was unfolding.
DH Colvin of the Paris Embassy wrote:
"According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP, with help from the Israeli Secret Service, the Shin Beit.
"The operation was designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in France and to prevent what they see as a growing rapprochement between the PLO and the Americans.
"Their nightmare is that after the November elections, one will witness the imposition in the Middle East of a Pax Americana, which will be the advantage of the PLO (who will gain international respectability and perhaps the right to establish a state on evacuated territories) and to the disadvantage of the Refusal Front (who will be squeezed right out in any overall peace settlement and will lose their raison d'etre) and Israel who will be forced to evacuate occupied territory).
"Hence the unholy alliance of the hijacking.
"My contact said the PFLP had attracted all sorts of wild elements, some of whom had been planted by the Israelis."
Hijackers seized the plane shortly after it took off from Athens on June 27. The plane was diverted first to Benghazi, Libya, where it was refueled before to going on to Entebbe airport in Uganda. The siege lasted eight days whereupon remaining hostages, about 100 Jewish Israelis and internationals, were freed when the Israeli military raided the airport on July 3rd, killing 3 hostages, 20 Ugandan soldiers, and all seven hijackers.
The Israeli military destroyed 1/3 of the Ugandan air force during their massive assault on the airport. The commander of the rescue team, Yoni Netanyahu, brother of current opposition head Binyamin Netanyahu (Likud) was also killed.
The revelations from the British diplomats concerned show that false flag and state sponsored terror has long been considered and used as political tool by Western governments and intelligence agencies.
Israel is no exception, its history is replete with illustrative examples of Mossad and Shin Bet manufactured terrorism, from the Lavon Affair in 1954 to the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre (which some German officials believed was a covert operation that spawned a vicious Mossad crackdown on Palestinian resistance), to Mossad's nurturing of Hamas to the discovery of fake “al-Qaeda in Palestine” cells in 2002.
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