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Aaron Russo I Will Never Forget You

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Aaron Russo I Will Never Forget You

I'll never forget your smile or what you did to try and save this country and to inspire others to do the same.
Your bringing us your story of the Rockefeller plan and foreknowledge of 9-11 inspired me to dig deeper and find out the truth on my own and to make my own film.
Thank you Aaron for leaving the world a better place than you found it and it is my personal mission to continue your work how ever I can.
We will always love you Aaron and we will never forget you or what you gave us.

God Bless you man,
Josh Reeves

JOIN THE NORTH TEXANS FOR 9-11 TRUTH MEETUP GROUP-or contact josh@northtexansfor911truth.com

Monday, April 30, 2007

NY Police Report Bomb to Frame Activist as Terrorist

NY Police Report Bomb to Frame Activist as Terrorist
"By the time the government finds out, you'll be in the hole thirty days" 9/11 Truther is Told By Officer Who Admits to False Accusation of Having a Bomb

Aaron Dykes / JonesReport | April 27, 2007

Two persons identifying themselves as New York police officers interrupted a 9/11 Truth demonstration-- on a public sidewalk in front of the new WTC 7 Building-- to intimidate free speech, stating "Larry [Silverstein] doesn't want to hear it," before accusing We Are Change founder Luke Rudkowski of having a bomb and that his cell phone was "a gun."

The officer was apparently responding to refusals to stop filming their faces as police attempted to impede free speech on behalf of Larry Silverstein-- making slanderous and knowingly false accusations:

"I think he's got a bomb in his bag. Saw wires coming out. Think he's got a bomb in there."

The police officer carried on during the encounter, saying "A terrorist act-- I guess they go away for about 30 days."

Rudkowski tell him he is not a terrorist and that he is an American citizen. The officer responds, "You're right. But by the time the government figures it out, you'll be in the hole for 30 days."

The officer made the statements on camera with a notable smirk, and made no attempt to distance himself or other witnesses from any physical danger (as he would have done he actually believed the activist had a bomb). The officer went on to give away his criminal behavior-- still on tape, despite ongoing demands he and the other officer made that the cameras be shut off.

Alex Jones commented, "We have New York police ON TAPE threatening to frame someone for terrorism in a nonchalant fashion. How bad would it have gotten if there were no cameras around? If they'll talk like this ON CAMERA, heaven help us."

People are arrested every day for joking about bombs or making other bomb references, even if it is clearly not meant to be serious.

This man identified himself as a police officer and accused Rudkowski of 'having a bomb' and 'being a terrorist' to silence his free speech for Larry Silverstein. It is a serious federal and state crime to publicly state that someone has a bomb and is a terrorist when not true-- like extreme example of yelling fire in a theatre-- and needs to be prosecuted.

Such knowingly misleading and false information is not only malicious and immoral, but has been made specifically illegal under the Anti-Hoax Terrorism Act of 2003-- and expanded for more stringency in 2004 and the Terrorism Prevention Act of 2006, not to mention long-standing protections against defamation and public endangerment. There are also many state and local laws prohibiting such activity.

This man who identified himself as a police officer insisted that Rudkowski and other members of WeAreChange.org must cease videotaping him.

Based on this video evidence alone, this officer should receive a prison sentence and would be liable for civil damages as well-- not only to the wronged demonstrator, but by law enforcement for a dangerous waste of resources, as cited by Ted Kennedy's commentary regarding expansion:

"In addition, this measure expands civil liability to allow federal and state governments to seek reimbursement from someone who knows that emergency personnel are responding to a hoax and fails to inform authorities that no such event has occurred."

Rudkowski was not only intimidated by the corrupt and criminal officer, but his camera was confiscated. Shortly afterwards, police also confiscated his cell phone, claiming that it was "a gun," according to Rudkowski.

The detective also snickered and "sang"tauntingly at Rudkowski, "Guess who's going to jail? Guess who's going to jail?"

Luke was not arrested, but was detained for over an hour while police deliberated over whether take further action.

This officer makes equal attempts to intimidate and ridicule Rudkowski.

Luke Rudkowski told the perpetrating policeman that his statements were "slanderous," denying ridiculous accusations that he was a terrorist.

The officer again responded, "I saw wires. You look like a terrorist. I don't know what a terrorist looks like. You may be a terrorist for all I know...You've made threats; now I'm concerned."

It is obvious from the recorded video that the demonstration was peaceful, no laws were broken and no threats were made. It is also clear that the reason he approached the group did not regard suspicion of threatening behavior, but to tell them that "Larry didn't want to hear it."


Anonymous said...

"Look whos goin to jail, look who's goin to jaaail." THOSE GUYS ARE SCUMBAGS!

Anonymous said...

Movie gangsters are more subtle than those cockroaches!



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