A grassroots collective of D/FW Patriots dedicated to creating a mass awakening of 9-11 Truth in our area.


WATCH LOOSE CHANGE FINAL CUT NOW! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

9-11 New World Rising(FINAL DIRECTOR'S CUT DVD)Now On Sale!www.newworldrisingmovie.com

Aaron Russo I Will Never Forget You

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Aaron Russo I Will Never Forget You

I'll never forget your smile or what you did to try and save this country and to inspire others to do the same.
Your bringing us your story of the Rockefeller plan and foreknowledge of 9-11 inspired me to dig deeper and find out the truth on my own and to make my own film.
Thank you Aaron for leaving the world a better place than you found it and it is my personal mission to continue your work how ever I can.
We will always love you Aaron and we will never forget you or what you gave us.

God Bless you man,
Josh Reeves

JOIN THE NORTH TEXANS FOR 9-11 TRUTH MEETUP GROUP-or contact josh@northtexansfor911truth.com

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Improbable Collapse : The Demolition of our Republic

A look at the collapse of the WTC Towers and WTC 7 by scholars for 9/11 truth. To learn more about the 9/11 attacks, visit www.truth911.net ...

to buy the DVD and support the filmmaker's hard work and personal investment go to www.improbablecollapse.com

1 comment:

911truthnc said...

Saw your post on 911blogger. Thought I drop by and give you some support!


This clip is to promote our new public access show.

You CAN Handle The Truth

Your thoughts will be appreciated.

Drop by to see us at 911truthnc.org



Alex Jones"Push the truth" video contest winner!!

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9-11 new world rising preview(low bandwidth version)

THERMITE EXPERIMENT(make your own thermite)
